Tasks for project development:
- Defintiion of Functional Groups for
Role Models
- Evaluation Matrix using
- Criteria
- dimension 3D
- 3D nano
- speed/timescale
- scale [m]
- scaleability
- geometry
- function
- structural performance
- structure
- material (chemistry)
- reactivity
- input sensing
- output
- adaptivity
- possible
- aesthetics
- pattern repetition
- nano
- colour
- colour change
- symmetry
- elegance
- cool
- information communication
- complexity*
- growth
- motion
- innovative potential
- compatibility
- availability of information
- transferability
- simulation (computerbased)
- Simulations for role Models using Rhino-Grashopper tool
(first examples for
Giant Clam and Ficus Benghalensis)