During the first project team workshop at the beginning of June 2010 three main areas of investigation for role models from nature were defined for the Biornametics project:

  1. Surface patterns, Nano-surfaces[1] and Nano-structured materials
  2. Shape, Growth, Deployable structures
  3. Adaptation, Reorganisation

These three areas were chosen to reflect the specific scientific expertise in the project team: an expert in fibre structures, therefore the role-model focus rather on plants than on animals, and an expert in nano-surfaces and structural colours.

Thus, the sample role models from nature to be investigated are chosen with regard to

  • Availability of reliable information
  • Tangibility of scales and processes
  • Exclusion of biochemistry and metabolic processes
  • Expected innovative potential for spatial and architectural applications

The methodology applied starts with a selection of role models from nature (scientific input). At the same time a primary investigation in successful transfers, architectural applications and outcome scenarios will deliver exemplary knowledge and guarantee novelty of the selected approach.

The base of Biornametics, patterns and their scientific exploration, shall find a feedback in the architectural theory of the ornament. After the first phase of data collection, the computation of models follows and the concept development and design starts thereafter.

The first transfer takes place when the selected role model patterns are analyzed regarding their potential application and their abstracted principles. Digital simulations will be used to examine the principles and evaluate them. In the second transfer analogy is established by exploring applications where the abstracted principles can be applied.

The final step is the proto-architectural implementation of showcase applications that will be exhibited and distributed to the scientific and architectural community by means of a booklet and scientific papers in journals and conference proceedings.

1. Surface patterns, Nano-surfaces and Nano-structured materials

Surface patterns, Nano-surfaces and Nano-structured materials as found in a selection of model organisms constitute one part of the Biornametics research project.

Biological systems exhibit a wealth of functional units highly optimized for a range of parameters, also on the nanoscale. Biological building strategies rely basically on repetition, variation and self-similarity. Often simple building blocks are arranged with molecular-precision and thus achieve diverse and highly specialized material properties.

The research performed in Biornametics aims at understanding the functionality of these natural patterns by extracting the principles found in current nanotechnology research, and transferring these principles to an architectural interpretation.

Colours are just one very important example. In contrast to pigment colours, physical colours that are found on some butterfly wings and beetles are primarily determined by the geometry of the underlying material.

Interesting is also the generation of these surfaces and materials, as well as properties such as durability, degradation or self-repair.

Further examples include plant-environment interaction like for example the pitcher plant that lures animals onto a supersliding surface, or the well-known self-cleaning principle that was discovered in the lotus leaf. Patterning on the nanoscale also produces materials that have unequalled properties like for example the abalone shell.

The patterns found do not only fulfil their purpose but are surprisingly elegant and appeal to the aesthetic dimension of the human perception.

The transfer of surface patterning to architectural elements may deliver added or integrated functionality or reinterpret specific functions on another scale.

2. Shape, Growth, Deployable structures

The topic of morphogenesis in nature is about the development of shapes in general. In the context of Biornametics the interest lies in the dynamics of shapes and shape change.

The topic focuses on the ontogenetic development of three-dimensional complex shapes (in contrast to an evolutionary perspective) and on other phenomena related to shape change in organisms.

The development of organisms is based on cell division, the basis for the generation of tissues and organs. The principles of cell growth as investigated in microbiology can be included, but the focus of the topic lies on the research findings in developmental biology.

Interesting issues are the principles of growth in organisms and the differentiation of tissues and materials. The time-based rules of growth and the spatial geometric definition of growth principles (growth patterns) are focused.

Specific topics, for example branching, are included. Deformation relates to the topic Adaptation and Reorganisation, and is about form change due to disturbances.

Especially in the plant realm the relation between growth and deployment is of interest. On a shorter timescale we are interested in fast deployment, or more general, fast shape change in organisms, that aims at for example defence or attraction purposes.

The research of mechanisms leading to shapes and shape change in nature will go beyond the generation and control of complex geometries by establishing a strong link to efficiencies and functionality. This is a focus in current architectural research and development.

3. Adaptation, Reorganisation

The topic Adaptation and Reorganisation treats the stabilisation capacity in dynamic and living systems.

The adaptive capacities include structural change that might affect physical properties like strength, stiffness, or mass/surface ratio.

Adaptation can also refer to organisational aspects for example the implementation of failure tolerant systems or mass management tools in case of circulation.

Adaptation and reorganisation in biological systems are triggered by a change in environment that the organism or system is either subjected to or actively looking for. Therefore methods of adaptation comprise active, explorative strategies and passive, responsive methods to environmental changes. Examples for both explorative strategies and response can be found in climbing plants, lianas and vines that actively look for a suitable environment and react to change in structural support with reorganisation of tissue.

As in these cases, adaptation is often achieved by local decision-making and local differentiation.

The topic focuses on long term processes that aim at creating or re-establishing equilibrium in a dynamic system, that can deliver valuable strategies for the creation of built environment.

[1] Nano refers to one thousandth of one millionth. 1000 million nanometers are one meter. A human hair is about 70 000 Nanometers thick. Nanoscience and -technology deals with functional structures on a length scale of some tens to some hundreds of nanometers.

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